This past week me and Isaac got to get away for a whole week! It was marvelous :D Last Saturday we drove up to Idaho Falls and got to spend some time with my grandparents and spend the night.
The next day we went to sacrament with them before heading down to Lava Hot Springs for a Weekend Getaway (as my mother in law calls it. they don't say family reunions because in the past when they called it family reunion there was family issues-for lack of better word.) So we got there Sunday evening and stayed there until Tuesday afternoon. We shared at tent with Isaac's sister Mariah, her husband Kyle and their 4 kids. While sitting around the campfire their youngest daughter Kasie who is 2 years old fell asleep in my lap and I told Mariah she could sleep on the air mattress with Isaac and I so they had enough room on their airmattress with their 3 other kids. Well sometime after just falling asleep Kasie started fussing so then I passed her off to Mariah haha. I was joking with Isaac and I said the best form of birth control is coming to a big outing with your family. (I really do love those kids don't get me wrong but i really like my sleep too).
On Monday we rented 2 big tubes and one 2 seater and floated down the river in lava. It was a blast! After the 5th run down I called it quites and sat out on the last run down. My cute little neice Annie just loved sitting with me on the tube so when I got out so did she. When we got back to camp I showered up and then played some card games waiting for dinner to cook . We had HOBO dinners and that took me back to those oh so fun years of girls camp. That night we made smores and told scary stories (after all the children went to bed of corse). My borther in law Adam is a Highway Patrolman and really got into my head with some twisted story. I made Isaac accompany me to the rest room and the tent and didn't let him leave my side. That night while I slept my nephew Eric Crawled over his sister Lilly and was laying on top of me shivering. I was too scared to move (after that scary story and all) so I started wispering to Isaac to wake up and get him off of me. This happened again 2 more times that night.
On Tuesday we went to the pool at Lava and swam around for an hour or 2 before heading home.
The rest of the week I helped my mom at her school and went shopping with her. Me and Isaac went to 2 receptions for friends of mine. On Friday night Isaac's cousin Jacob had his bachelor party out at Adam and Tina's barn, Tina and I were the pizza runners for all those hungry men all night so got to stick around and watch all the festivities. Adam had the brilant idea of hooking up a zipline from the top of his barn to and cable hooked between 2 posts in a near by field with a mud slide and a puddle to drop into. I took a few pictures to kinda show what it was like but they just don't do it justice.
On Saturday Isaac and I went and did baptisms for the dead at the Bountiful Temple with my brother Ben, sister Jessica and her husband Ivan. Afterwards we got shakes at Jakes over the top, went to a reception then finished the night at the stake social swimming party with my Parents, Jessica, Ivan and baby Jacob.
Well thats all thats new with us until school starts this next week and Jacob's wedding :D